Dave H.,

Yes, I understand that now. lsusb just reads the info. I had to create a
rule and follow the TN-101 note that you mentioned. We had to reboot the
system apart from the steps mentioned in that application note from FTDI.
We can now see devices getting mounted as /dev/ttyUSB*

There is nothing different we did to create a rule for the multi-channel
device. It shows 4 ttyUSB devices with a similar rule as yours. I have
attached the file here for reference.

Dave M.,

This is definitely not done by default in Redhat. FTDI webpage says that it
is supported by default only for Ubuntu 11.10. (

Thanks both.

Having done this, we can now use picocom to establish a communication over
these ports. However, we do not see any roach login/prompt on any of the 4
ports. So we are stuck at that point now. Any clue?

Thanks again,


On Thu, Dec 6, 2012 at 3:49 PM, David MacMahon <dav...@astro.berkeley.edu>wrote:

> Hi, Dave,
> I think whether a udev rule needs to be created depends on whether the
> ftdi_sio module knows about the vendor/product ID.  If the module already
> has an alias for the necessary vendor/product ID then the rule is already
> built-in.
> Nimish, does "modinfo ftdi_sio | grep v0403p6011" output anything?
> On Ubuntu 12.04, the ftdi_sio module already knows about the FTDI chip
> used on the ROACH2 and a custom udev rule is not necessary for device
> creation (maybe for custom permissions, but not for device creation).
> ## ubuntu 12.04
> $ modinfo ftdi_sio | grep v0403p6011
> alias:          usb:v0403p6011d*dc*dsc*dp*ic*isc*ip*
> Dave
> On Dec 6, 2012, at 12:35 PM, David Hawkins wrote:
> > Hi Nimish,
> >
> >> lsusb returns this:
> >> Bus 002 Device 021: ID 0403:6011 Future Technology Devices
> >> International, Ltd FT4232H Quad HS USB-UART/FIFO IC
> >>
> >> I had seen this note earlier, and thought I don't need to do anything
> >> since product id was recognized fine. But, may be I need to something.
> >> Let me check.
> >
> > You will need to add a rule; lsusb just reads the device info,
> > it has nothing to do with drivers being loaded.
> >
> > I believe the FTDI tech note discusses how to create a rule a
> > multi-channel device like the FT4232H - since you want the
> > ftdi_sio driver to create four /dev/ttyUSBx nodes.
> >
> > Cheers,
> > Dave
> >

Nimish Sane

Center for Solar-Terrestrial Research
New Jersey Institute of Technology
University Heights

Newark, NJ 07102-1982 USA

Tel: (973) 642 4958

Fax: (973) 596 3617

Attachment: 99-usbftdi.rules
Description: Binary data

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