I seem to be running into this same problem. Will tcpborphserver2 run
on the same linux kernel or do I need to change to a borph specific

On Fri, Dec 7, 2012 at 2:41 AM, Henno Kriel <he...@ska.ac.za> wrote:
> Hi Dave
> I think Andrews point 3 is relevant.
> We have picked up on transient on the register write with the latest memory
> mapped TCPBORPH. It seems that sometimes, some of the bits goes high for a
> short while and then settles at the required register value.
> We need to figure out where the issue is (gateware or software).
> For now try TCPBORPH server 2 and see if the problem still persist.
> HK
> On Fri, Dec 7, 2012 at 8:56 AM, Andrew Martens <and...@ska.ac.za> wrote:
>> Hi Dave
>> > I am working on ROACH2.
>> Jason also had a problem with snapshot blocks using ROACH2. His snap
>> block would not finish capturing, i.e write 7 into the control register,
>> busy bit goes high and byte count spins, but busy bit never goes low
>> again! Again, the logic to finish capturing is very simple (counter and
>> comparison). He also reports that this behaviour changes with different
>> compiles. This may mean that we are missing some crucial timing-related
>> constraint.
>> > When I say they are triggered, I mean that the contents of the BRAM
>> > change immediately upon writing 5 to the ctrl register while the trigger
>> > input is 0 (i.e. before I set the trigger to 1).
>> I will assume that the BRAM value changes are caused by snapshot logic
>> (the status register reflects a 'busy' snapshot, address changing etc),
>> which seems ok as a write to a register connected to logic triggering
>> capture causes the values to change.
>> That means that the snapshot block was enabled, and then triggered. It
>> seems as though the enable is happening as expected i.e it does not
>> randomly become enabled, but the trigger is premature. The trigger could
>> come from three sources
>> 1. Some kind of metastability in the triggering logic in the snapshot
>> block. This is unlikely as all 4 snapshot blocks are behaving the same.
>> 2. The bit in the register linked to the trig input on all snapshots is
>> toggling high (or held high). This is unlikely (no writes to that
>> address) but would indicate some problem in the bus controller (writes
>> affect registers not addressed) or register logic (some kind of
>> metastability/weirdness). Replicating the register for each snapshot
>> block, and replacing some with constants would shed some light.
>> 3. The ctrl register is misbehaving. If bit 1 somehow goes high for a
>> bit before going low, or toggles high for even one cycle, then this
>> would generate an internal trigger. This would indicate some systematic
>> error in the register logic (occurs in the same way in four different
>> registers) or metastability (unlikely again as occurs in multiple
>> places). Manually modifying the snapshot block to use bit 0 for the
>> trigger and 1 for the enable would be interesting as bit 0 *seems* to be
>> behaving (no completely random enabling).
>> Changing the design would also be interesting as it would be nice to see
>> if the problem changes if things are placed differently in the chip.
>> Regards
>> Andrew
> --
> Henno Kriel
> DSP Engineer
> Digital Back End
> meerKAT
> SKA South Africa
> Third Floor
> The Park
> Park Road (off Alexandra Road)
> Pinelands
> 7405
> Western Cape
> South Africa
> Latitude: -33.94329 (South); Longitude: 18.48945 (East).
> (p) +27 (0)21 506 7300
> (p) +27 (0)21 506 7365 (direct)
> (f) +27 (0)21 506 7375
> (m) +27 (0)84 504 5050

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