It's not that complete. I could write a memo about it and throw around some matlab code. I implemented it for a demo several months ago but it was never tidy. Whoever actually needs it would have half of their work done though. Basically, you just have to permute the bits of the address counter in a specific way. It's just like what you guys do with the "reorder" blocks, where you use luts on the address line to the brams, only since your luts would be 2^21 long, I figured out the rule and used the permuted counter instead. EDIT: It wasn't permuted, I think it was a bit-circular-shifted counter.

I'll type that up this weekend.  Probably :-)

On 03/01/2013 10:50 AM, Dan Werthimer wrote:

hi ryan,

can you check this into one of the GIT repositories?



On Fri, Mar 1, 2013 at 10:37 AM, Ryan Monroe < <>> wrote:

    Hey David,

    I know it's probably too late, but I figured out how to do a
    QDR-corner turn without ping-ponging (thus, doubling the effective
    size of the QDR).  Give me a shout if you need this in the future!

    On 03/01/2013 10:23 AM, David MacMahon wrote:

        Hi, Jack,

        We noticed that one of our designs gave bogus results when run
        on a ROACH 1 board with a serial number in the range 02XXXX,
        but valid results when run on a ROACH 1 board with a serial
        number in the ranges 03XXXX or 04XXXX.

        After much head scratching, we opened up one 02xxxx, one
        03xxxx, and one 04xxxx roach.  The 02xxxx roach (020247) had
        Cypress CY7C1263V18 QDR chips, which are 2Mx18 bits.  The
        03xxxx roach (030144) had Cypress CY7C15632KV18 chips, which
        are 4Mx18.  The 04xxxx roach (040122) had NEC D44647186AF5-E25
        QDR chips, which are also 4Mx18.

        The 2Mx18 bit QDR chips of the 02xxxx roaches can only store
        1M (1,048,576) 32-bit words which was too small for our design.

        Hope this helps,

        On Mar 1, 2013, at 12:27 AM, Jack Hickish wrote:

            Hi All,

            Is someone able to confirm that the size of the QDR chips
            on ROACH 1 boards depends solely on the board version? If
            this is indeed the case, does anyone know the QDR specs
            for the different board iterations?


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