Hi Jason

> I'm having a hard time updating the .mdl file for tutorial1 after I
> tried to update to the newest CASPER tools.  

By 'CASPER tools' are you referring to recent git commits of the
Simulink libraries from the ska-sa repo? If so, I know what your problem
below is...

> All the links to the yellow blocks are broken.  Should the .mdl files
> work with the updated CASPER tools or do I have to go in and replace
> those blocks that have broken links?  I tried doing this as well, but
> I can't find similar blocks in the simulink explorer.  Could you send
> me the .mdl file for the .bof file that you sent me?  Would that help?

It seems that older versions of Matlab/Simulink are not forwards-
compatible with the .mdl files generated by the latest incarnation of
Matlab/Simulink. When the library is loading you will notice a bunch of
error messages scrolling past. These are not the usual Warnings that can
be ignored but result in a crippled Simulink library with much of it
missing (as seen in the simulink explorer). Your .mdl file has links
that link back to this crippled library and much of it is missing (hence
broken links).

Your solution is to install the latest compatible spawn from Mathworks.
We may have to look into saving our libraries so that they are
compatible with older Matlab/Simulink versions as continually upgrading
Matlab/Simulink is expensive, time intensive, and does not usually come
with any improvements that relate to us. 


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