> Hi, John,
> Have you tried restoring (or breaking and restoring) the link of the
> Shared BRAM yellow block(s) in question?
No, we have not tried that.

> There were some Shared BRAM
> changes around the time that you mention that allow the Shared BRAM to
> "register" the outputs which improves timing, but increases latency.  Can
> you be more exact about which mlib_devel revision you have?

I'll send that along.

> Are you sure you attached the right model?  When I open the
> zzz_fun_with_brams.mdl file I don't see any "Shared BRAM" CASPER blocks
> but I do see a "Shared Memory" Xilinx block.

Obviously not!

> Dave
> On Apr 24, 2013, at 11:59 AM, John Ford wrote:
>> Hi all.  When trying to use the shared bram block in a recent (march
>> 15ish) version of the casper xps blockset from mlib_devel, we have a
>> problem.  The "munge_io" block inside the yellow block doesn't work.  It
>> has a bad parameter list.  It ends up with a box in the corner
>> signifying
>> a bad link.
>> 2 questions:
>> 1) Is it harmful?  The munge_io block ends up with a straight wire
>> inside it.
>> 2) Is there a fix?
>> Attached is the model, and the versions of our stuff is below.
>> Thanks!
>> John
>> Yes, Master<1020> more zzz_fun_with_brams_sysgen.log
>> --------------------------------- Version Log
>> ----------------------------------
>> Version                                 Path
>> System Generator 14.3
>> /opt/Xilinx/14.3/ISE_DS/ISE/sysgen
>> Matlab (R2012a)              /opt/matlab-R2012a
>> ISE<zzz_fun_with_brams.mdl>

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