Hi Andrew and Wes,

You've both convinced me to write a parser for the core_info.tab file
- It's more transferable and less likely to screw things up.



On Mon, Oct 21, 2013 at 11:58 PM, Andrew Martens <and...@ska.ac.za> wrote:
> Hi Ross
>> Hi Wes and all,
>> So the MMAP is working really quite well on a ROACH-1 - This question
>> is more my lack of understanding of the tool-chain.
>> Does anybody know how to fix the memory address for the various CASPER
>> brams and registers. I edited the core_info.tab inside the copied
>> XPS_ROACH_BASE and unchecked "Copy base package" but It still was
>> overwritten (I'm assuming this is in the system generator stage).  I'd
>> rather not hack the top level core_info.tab so what would be the best
>> way to define the memory locations?
> I am assuming that you want to write code that has the addresses hard-coded
> in some way. The best would be not to do this and have your code figure out
> the addresses from the core_info.tab file.
> If you must, build your design till the last stage (uncheck the EDK and ISE
> part). Then go hand edit the system.mhs file in the XPS_ROACH_BASE
> directory.
> You will find your registers and brams and where you they are on the bus.
> You can change where they are in the address space. When you are done,
> perform the final stage in the build (uncheck everything except the EDK, ISE
> part and build). Take some time to figure out how the address space is
> organised (most devices are hard-coded but the registers and shared brams
> are allocated address space within a specific area at compile time). If you
> have many yellow blocks you may have to also figure out how opb bridges
> work.
> Good luck
> Regards
> Andrew
>> Ross
>> On Tue, Oct 15, 2013 at 4:48 PM, Ross Williamson
>> <rwilliam...@astro.caltech.edu> wrote:
>>> Hi Wes,
>>> Thanks - I got the MMAP up and running on a ROACH1 with those
>>> instructions.
>>> R
>>> On Tue, Oct 15, 2013 at 12:19 AM, Wesley New <wes...@ska.ac.za> wrote:
>>>> Hi Ross,
>>>> The steps should be outlined here.
>>>> https://casper.berkeley.edu/wiki/FPGA_Device_Driver_Memo
>>>> I am not sure if these steps work for ROACH1 and 2 but at least it is a
>>>> starting point.
>>>> Wes
>>>> Wesley New
>>>> South African SKA Project
>>>> +2721 506 7365
>>>> www.ska.ac.za
>>>> On Tue, Oct 15, 2013 at 3:09 AM, Ross Williamson
>>>> <rwilliam...@astro.caltech.edu> wrote:
>>>>> Hi All,
>>>>> I know from the CASPER meeting that MMAP is available for the ROACH-1.
>>>>> Are there any instructions anywhere on getting it up and running?
>>>>> Best regards,
>>>>> Ross
>>>>> --
>>>>> Ross Williamson
>>>>> Research Scientist - Sub-mm Group
>>>>> California Institute of Technology
>>>>> 626-395-2647 (office)
>>>>> 312-504-3051 (Cell)
>>> --
>>> Ross Williamson
>>> Research Scientist - Sub-mm Group
>>> California Institute of Technology
>>> 626-395-2647 (office)
>>> 312-504-3051 (Cell)

Ross Williamson
Research Scientist - Sub-mm Group
California Institute of Technology
626-395-2647 (office)
312-504-3051 (Cell)

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