I've also experienced these.  The most common cause seems to be a constant
which is not "sampled".  I don't have a good rule, but sometimes when I
start removing components on my design, it starts working, which shows me
the element at fault.  In general, placing a component which is known to
work on its own into a larger system does not cause problems.

Then there's also the times where I reduce the entire system to something
trivial like a counter and it still happens.  In that case I save copies of
everything and reboot.  Followed by  anger management.
On Oct 22, 2013 11:44 AM, "Ross Williamson" <rwilliam...@astro.caltech.edu>

> I'm in a rather frustrating situation where the casper tools will only
> compile in a seemingly random nature.  I can load up a design that I
> know compiles into simulink and run it and I will get an error like
> the following:
> Error reported by S-function 'sysgen' in
> 'ccat_corr_lowbits/ADC0/Constant6':
> An internal error occurred in the Xilinx Blockset Library.
> There is nothing obviously wrong with the constant (and the whole .slx
> has compiled as is before)
> Shutting down and starting up matlab sometimes fixes the issue -
> trying to compiled a different .slx and then going back to the one
> that doesn't work sometimes fixes it (Sometimes does not) -  I can
> screw around a whole day trying to get it to compile and the next day
> it works fine.
> Has anyone experienced this (pseudo) random compile problems and know
> of a good sequence to make a model compile again?
> Ross
> --
> Ross Williamson
> Research Scientist - Sub-mm Group
> California Institute of Technology
> 626-395-2647 (office)
> 312-504-3051 (Cell)

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