> ---------- Forwarded message ----------
> From: Ben Stappers <ben.stapp...@manchester.ac.uk>
> Date: Fri, Nov 22, 2013 at 12:21 AM
> Subject: SKA Pulsar Positions
> To: Ben Stappers <ben.stapp...@manchester.ac.uk>
> Dear All,
> Apologies if you get this more than once. If you could please pass on to any
> potential applicants.
> Cheers - Ben
> The University of Manchester is looking to hire two engineers or scientists 
> for
> the development of pulsar search technology for the Square Kilometre Array
> Telescope. Working as part of the highly active SKA research group and with
> the Jodrell Bank Pulsar Group, these 3-year positions would be ideally suited 
> to
> digital signal processing engineers or pulsar astronomers with strong 
> technical
> skills, especially in accelerated processing of time-series data using FPGAs,
> GPUs or other many-core technologies.
> The deadline for application is 18th December 2013, with the positions ready 
> to
> start immediately. To for more information and to apply, see the full advert:
> https://www.jobs.manchester.ac.uk/displayjob.aspx?jobid=6851
> or direct informal enquiries to Dr Benjamin Stappers or by reply to this 
> email.
> Please forward this advert to anyone who may be interested.
> Advert Text
> ===========
> Applications are invited for two Non-imaging Processing Engineers with
> experience in the modeling, design, verification, validation and 
> implementation
> of  hardware and software, for non-imaging radio astronomy, for example for 
> the
> discovery and study of pulsars and fast transients. You will be expected to
> play a significant role in the design of the non-imaging processing systems in
> the Central Signal Processing (CSP) and Science Data Processing (SDP)
> sub-systems for the Square Kilometre Array (SKA).
> The SKA will be the most sensitive radio telescope ever built and will play a
> major role in answering key questions in modern astrophysics and cosmology 
> (see
> www.skatelescope.org). It will be one of a small number of cornerstone
> observatories across the electromagnetic spectrum that will transform our view
> of the Universe. The University of Manchester is one of three major UK
> university contributors to the SKA, together with Cambridge and Oxford, and 
> its
> Jodrell Bank Observatory is the designated location of the international
> headquarters of the SKA Organization, the UK-based legal entity that directs
> the project. The University also operates the Lovell Telescope and the 
> interferometer which is an SKA Pathfinder instrument.
> SKA activity in Manchester encompasses the science case and a number of
> engineering developments including the hardware design, construction, and
> verification of the signal & data transport sub-system (including
> synchronization & timing), non-imaging processing for pulsars and transients,
> and aperture array receiver design. The University of Manchester leads an
> international Consortium on the signal & data transport and is leading the 
> team
> that is responsible for the Non-Imaging Processing requirements for the SKA.
> We seek an experienced engineer with an ambition to participate in the design
> and development of a state-of-the-art big science project. You must be able to
> work with University and other academic and industry collaborators in the UK
> and internationally, and with the central SKA Office.
> ----
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