Hi Joe,
These are the models I used.A little mess ,Let me have a instruduction:tl is 
short for our project: tian lai
roach2_fengine_tl8511.mdl are the model that can send packets to PC.Attached 
bof file is I compiled on my PC.

paperfengine.rar contains  model and .v  .m .vhd  .config file .This are 
download from http://astro.berkeley.edu/~davidm/paperfengine.git.This is the 
model that PAPER use and it sends 8K packets.well , I compiled on my system 
,but the overflow comes.
roach2_tl_retry.mdl are The model That I modified at second time.it sends 8K 
packets ,Well the overflow still comes.

The crc32*64 config.m crclut.v crc32*64.v is in transpose part ,I didn't 
modified it,and when you run simulation or compile the model it should be 
added.(the paperfengine.rar contains these.)
pfb_fir_1024pt_core_config is the config that our project used,it's for 512 
frequency points,pfb_fir_1024ch_core_config is the PAPER used for PFB(with 1024 
frequency points).Same like this,The name that contains 1024pt is for our use 
,and 1024ch is for PAPER.(All the PAPER  file can be found in paperfengine.rar) 
  I suggest you mine and the PAPER in a same file ,so that you can concentrate 
more on the model.
I mainly changed the transpose part,so that it can send less frequency points 
per packet and still the 8 packets cover a whole spectrum 512 points.The PAPER 
send 32 frequency a packet,while I send 16 frequency points per packet.The 
roach2_fengine_tl8511port.mdl is the one send 16 frequency points in 4K size 
per packet,while the roach2_tl_retry.mdl send the 16 points in 8K per packet.
We can see the 10Gb block on the eth block. it has a lot details maybe you need 
look first. I didn't change the whole eth block.
by the way it is controlled by ruby script which can seen on
I will try the counter to control the overflow,
Thanks for your warm help!
Best Regards!

At 2014-10-21 23:37:10, "Kujawski, Joseph" <jkujaw...@siena.edu> wrote:


At one point during my testing of this system, I did run into the problem that 
the 10GBe did not output data.  The problem ended up being related to flow 
control into the 10GBe model.  Since you indicate that for a frame size of 4096 
the system works, this may be your issue.  My fully implemented design uses the 
TxFull flag to pause loafing data into the 10GBe module.

If you wish to send a copy of the model to me, I would be happy to look at it 
and see if there is anything obvious that should be changed.

-Joe Kujawski

roach2_fengine_tl8511port_2014_Sep_16_1647.bof.gz (2.04M, 2014年11月6日 9:23 到期)
roach2_fengine_tl8511port.mdl (10.06M, 2014年11月6日 9:23 到期)
roach2_tl_retry.mdl (10.07M, 2014年11月6日 9:22 到期)
roach2_tl_retry_2014_Oct_17_1911.bof.gz (2.01M, 2014年11月6日 9:23 到期)
paperfengine.rar (2.1M, 2014年11月6日 9:25 到期)
在线预览 | 下载
fft_1024pt_core.mdl (3.88M, 2014年11月6日 9:26 到期)
fft_1024pt_core.vhd (603B, 2014年11月6日 9:26 到期)
fft_1024pt_core_config.m (4.15K, 2014年11月6日 9:26 到期)
pfb_fir_1024pt_core.mdl (683.25K, 2014年11月6日 9:26 到期)
pfb_fir_1024pt_core.vhd (611B, 2014年11月6日 9:27 到期)
pfb_fir_1024pt_core_config.m (4K, 2014年11月6日 9:27 到期)

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