Thanks Marc, I shall try the very first alternative for the time being.


> On 28 Oct 2015, at 10:10, Marc Welz <> wrote:
>> I use an ancient version of the core package, and here is the help on on 
>> tg_tap - no mention of a gateway here...
>> tap_start(self, tap_dev, device, mac, ip, port) method of 
>> corr.katcp_wrapper.FpgaClient instance
>>    Program a 10GbE device and start the TAP driver.
>>    @param self  This object.
>>    @param device  String: name of the device (as in simulink name).
>>    @param tap_dev  String: name of the tap device (a Linux identifier). If 
>> you want to destroy a device later, you need to use this name.
>>    @param mac   integer: MAC address, 48 bits.
>>    @param ip    integer: IP address, 32 bits.
>>    @param port  integer: port of fabric interface (16 bits).
>>    Please note that the function definition changed from corr-0.4.0 to 
>> corr-0.4.1 to include the tap_dev identifier.
> Hmmm ... there are three options:
> * Try to set the gateway manually - do serveral wordreads of the gbe0
> register, and then write the gateway into the 0xc offset. This is
> probably the quickest way of getting it going, but will only route
> gateware traffic
> * try and extend tcpborphserver to add routing functionality, using
> the code from the new tcpborphserver3 as a guide. That is some effort
> and involves cross-compiling - and might also need a matching update
> to the corr package
> * backport the mmap driver from roach2 to roach1 - that is the biggest
> chunk of work and involves  a bit of kernel hacking, and you
> personally might not be up for it - but if anybody else on the list
> has the energy it it would mean that the roach2 and roach1 userland
> could be pretty much merged, and things like multicast support would
> be available on roach1, in addition to the other fixes and features
> (.fpg files, etc)
> regards
> marc
>> Cheers,
>> Ramesh

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