np! the 10gbe core wasn't really intended to run at fast clock rates. Be sure to constrain it to the east-ish side of the chip, this is probably either a 1. device utilization issue (you are trying to do too much stuff on the chip), or 2. placement issue (probably this)-- the tools are terrible at placing things in the right spots

Send me any questions you have, but I'm pretty busy and reserve the right to be bad about answering


On 11/04/2015 12:32 AM, Amit Bansod wrote:
Hi Ryan,

Thanks a lot! I will give this a try!


On 04-Nov-15 9:31 AM, Ryan Monroe wrote:
Dear Amit,

Please consider my memo 50 on the CASPER list: "Performance optimization
for Virtex 6 CASPER designs" [1]

As it turns out, I have a design open right now, which must close 8
10gbe cores at 312.5 mhz.  Attached is an image of where I placed my
tge_tx_inst and tge_rx_inst pblocks, which I hope will be helpful for
you.  Wish I had time to do more for you, but such is life :-/


--Ryan Monroe


On 11/04/2015 12:17 AM, wrote:
Dear All,

I am getting following timing errors on 10GbE yellow blocks which I am
finding it hard to get rid off. I am running my design at 200 MHz. I
have given the device utilization summary if it is useful. I have also
enclosed the files.

Best Regards,

Timing Errors:
Timing constraint: PERIOD analysis for net
  mmcm_clkout1" derived from  PERIOD analysis for net
  adc_clk_div" derived from NET


     PERIOD = 2.5 ns HIGH 50%; multiplied by 2.00 to 5 nS and duty cycle
  corrected to HIGH 2.500 nS
  For more information, see Period Analysis in the Timing Closure User
Guide (UG612).

   1594959 paths analyzed, 343705 endpoints analyzed, 63 failing endpoints
   63 timing errors detected. (63 setup errors, 0 hold errors, 0
component switching limit errors)
   Minimum period is   5.727ns.


  Slack:                  -0.727ns (requirement - (data path - clock
path skew + uncertainty))
    Requirement:          5.000ns
    Data Path Delay:      5.721ns (Levels of Logic = 1)
    Clock Path Skew:      0.054ns (2.112 - 2.058)
    Source Clock:         adc0_clk rising at 0.000ns
    Destination Clock:    adc0_clk rising at 5.000ns
    Clock Uncertainty:    0.060ns

    Clock Uncertainty:          0.060ns  ((TSJ^2 + DJ^2)^1/2) / 2 + PE
      Total System Jitter (TSJ):  0.070ns
      Discrete Jitter (DJ):       0.097ns
      Phase Error (PE):           0.000ns

    Maximum Data Path at Slow Process Corner:

      Location                Delay type         Delay(ns) Physical
      SLICE_X81Y192.CQ        Tcko                  0.337


      SLICE_X23Y278.A6        net (fanout=5)        4.173

      SLICE_X23Y278.A         Tilo                  0.068


      RAMB36_X1Y54.WEAU3      net (fanout=16)       0.628

      RAMB36_X1Y54.CLKARDCLKU Trcck_WEA             0.515


      Total                                         5.721ns (0.920ns
logic, 4.801ns route)
logic, 83.9% route)

Device Utilization Summary:

Slice Logic Utilization:
   Number of Slice Registers:               183,328 out of 595,200   30%
     Number used as Flip Flops:             183,197
     Number used as Latches:                      3
     Number used as Latch-thrus:                  0
     Number used as AND/OR logics:              128
   Number of Slice LUTs:                    155,306 out of 297,600   52%
     Number used as logic:                   72,780 out of 297,600   24%
       Number using O6 output only:          43,389
       Number using O5 output only:          10,220
       Number using O5 and O6:               19,171
       Number used as ROM:                        0
     Number used as Memory:                  56,297 out of 122,240   46%
       Number used as Dual Port RAM:          1,904
         Number using O6 output only:         1,376
         Number using O5 output only:             4
         Number using O5 and O6:                524
       Number used as Single Port RAM:            0
       Number used as Shift Register:        54,393
         Number using O6 output only:        36,882
         Number using O5 output only:             0
         Number using O5 and O6:             17,511
     Number used exclusively as route-thrus: 26,229
       Number with same-slice register load:  9,024
       Number with same-slice carry load:    17,205
       Number with other load:                    0

Slice Logic Distribution:
   Number of occupied Slices:                53,681 out of 74,400   72%
   Number of LUT Flip Flop pairs used:      189,068
     Number with an unused Flip Flop:        38,081 out of 189,068   20%
     Number with an unused LUT:              33,762 out of 189,068   17%
     Number of fully used LUT-FF pairs:     117,225 out of 189,068   62%
     Number of slice register sites lost
       to control set restrictions:               0 out of 595,200    0%

   A LUT Flip Flop pair for this architecture represents one LUT paired
   one Flip Flop within a slice.  A control set is a unique combination of
   clock, reset, set, and enable signals for a registered element.
   The Slice Logic Distribution report is not meaningful if the design is
   over-mapped for a non-slice resource or if Placement fails.
   OVERMAPPING of BRAM resources should be ignored if the design is
   over-mapped for a non-BRAM resource or if placement fails.

IO Utilization:
   Number of bonded IOBs:                       233 out of 840   27%
     Number of LOCed IOBs:                      233 out of     233 100%
     IOB Flip Flops:                            112
     Number of bonded IPADs:                     70
       Number of LOCed IPADs:                    70 out of      70 100%
     Number of bonded OPADs:                     64
       Number of LOCed OPADs:                    64 out of      64 100%

Specific Feature Utilization:
   Number of RAMB36E1/FIFO36E1s:                392 out of 1,064   36%
     Number using RAMB36E1 only:                392
     Number using FIFO36E1 only:                  0
   Number of RAMB18E1/FIFO18E1s:                154 out of 2,128    7%
     Number using RAMB18E1 only:                154
     Number using FIFO18E1 only:                  0
   Number of BUFG/BUFGCTRLs:                      9 out of 32   28%
     Number used as BUFGs:                        9
     Number used as BUFGCTRLs:                    0
   Number of ILOGICE1/ISERDESE1s:               141 out of 1,080   13%
     Number used as ILOGICE1s:                   77
     Number used as ISERDESE1s:                  64
   Number of OLOGICE1/OSERDESE1s:                35 out of 1,080    3%
     Number used as OLOGICE1s:                   35
     Number used as OSERDESE1s:                   0
   Number of BSCANs:                              0 out of 4    0%
   Number of BUFHCEs:                             0 out of 216    0%
   Number of BUFIODQSs:                           0 out of 108    0%
   Number of BUFRs:                               5 out of 54    9%
     Number of LOCed BUFRs:                       2 out of 5   40%
   Number of CAPTUREs:                            0 out of 1    0%
   Number of DSP48E1s:                          608 out of 2,016   30%
   Number of EFUSE_USRs:                          0 out of 1    0%
   Number of FRAME_ECCs:                          0 out of 1    0%
   Number of GTXE1s:                             32 out of 36   88%
   Number of IBUFDS_GTXE1s:                       3 out of 18   16%
   Number of ICAPs:                               0 out of 2    0%
   Number of IDELAYCTRLs:                         4 out of 27   14%
   Number of IODELAYE1s:                         64 out of 1,080    5%
   Number of MMCM_ADVs:                           3 out of 18   16%
   Number of PCIE_2_0s:                           0 out of 2    0%
   Number of STARTUPs:                            1 out of       1 100%
   Number of SYSMONs:                             0 out of 1    0%
   Number of TEMAC_SINGLEs:                       1 out of 4   25%

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