Thanks Jack and David

Both of those are what I am looking for. The PlanAhead output a .bin not .bit 
and the ucf file yellow block.

One other question that has come up while looking at the ucf file is that 
xilinx by default groups all of the clocks in the design into one clock group. 
This seems to imply that all of the clocks have a synchronous relationship 
which is not true. In our case, we are running the MKID DAC/ADC board which 
provides the external clock to the FPGA and that is what we are running the 
FPGA core clock off of. Have you tried to change this relationship and break 
the clock domains up into truly different asynchronous clock groups? I am also 
concerned that the clock group is the only timing constraint present in the 
file. I am hoping that someone may have a more functional timing constraint 
file with realistic timing constraints.

For the yellow block you are talking about I may have to merge some changes 
over because that block is not present in the mlib-devel I have been working 

The git I have been working from is from a little over a year ago.

I will look into a more updated github repo that people have been working with.

Johnathon Gard

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