Hi Michael

Have you tested your hardware setup using CASPER tutorial 2?


On Wed, Feb 17, 2016 at 5:40 PM, Michael D'Cruze <
michael.dcr...@postgrad.manchester.ac.uk> wrote:

> Dear all,
> I’m having a little trouble getting the 10GbE data output working
> correctly. I have a spectrometer design which feeds the output of (for the
> moment) a single vacc into the spead_pack block, which then outputs into
> the 10GbE block.
> I can see from the mailing list that I’m not the first person to run into
> problems getting this working ;-)
> My efforts thus far have focussed on implementing various gates and
> counters for hardware diagnostic purposes (screenshots below). I have a
> script which reads counters connected to the spead_pack overflow port, and
> the 10GbE tx_full, tx_status, linkup, and tx_overflow ports. Using my
> current setup I can confirm that the tx_full and overflow ports read 0 at
> all times, and the status and linkup ports read 1 at all times. I have
> “gated” (using registers enabled using a software register) the data_in,
> valid, and eof input ports on the 10GbE block. My script currently
> configures the 10GbE core with a fabric port and IP, and dest port and IP
> before anything else. The tap is started immediately following this. A
> total of 12s sleep time has been written in before a final reset pulse is
> sent to the 10GbE block and finally the data_in, data_valid, and eof gates
> are opened.
> All status indicators show that the 10GbE core is not overflowing and
> packets should be coming out, however Wireshark shows nothing apart from
> basic “handshake” packets.
> FYI: My spead_pack block is configured for a packet length of 1024 and the
> eof logic is working correctly (pulses on the last valid cycle)
> Model screenshot: https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/38103354/Capture.PNG
> Scope1 (spead_pack output):
> https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/38103354/Capture2.PNG. The top panel
> is the data, the second panel the valid signal, the third panel the eof
> pulse, and the fourth panel the spead_overflow signal.
> Grateful for any advice/ideas/suggestions,
> BW
> Michael

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