Dear all,

Let me introduce myself, my name is Juan Camilo Guevara, I am a Master
Student in Astronomy at the National University of Colombia. I am working
in the design and implementation of a radio interferometer of two elements
to observe the Sun in a range of frequencies between 100 MHz and 1 GHz. The
main idea is observing the Sun with a high spectral and temporal
resolution, therefore the data acquisition have to be in the total of the
bandwidth, preferably simultaneously. The Roach Hardware has been thought
as the best system to programming of the wished features.

I would like to ask you two things, the first one is what do you think
about the project and its feasibility to be developed with ROACH system.
And the second one, is about if someone have a ROACH 1 system that it is
not being used and if exist  any posibility that it be donated or sold by a
symbolic value, safely this would be a crucial piece in the appropiation
and development of technology applied to scientific research.

Thank so much,

Juan Camilo

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