And if you're wondering why it's only ever toggling between -1 and 0, it's 
because most ADCs are biased centred around -0.5, not 0. This is so that 
they're symmetrical in positive and negative swing (remember two's complement 
for an 8 bit number will be -128 to +127). Some will let you adjust this offset.


On 20 Sep 2016, at 23:52, dana whitlow <> wrote:

> On 9/20/2016 3:55 PM, David MacMahon wrote:
> Hi Adam,
> A little bit of noise (a step or several rms) is a cure for many ADC ills, 
> and is widely practiced under
> the term "dithering".  It's usually nicest if the dithering waveform can be 
> arranged to fall outside the
> signal band of interest (yet still have reasonably wide bandwidth in its own 
> right), but not essential.
> In the early days of CDs the advent of effective dithering saved the format 
> from probable (IMO) doom,
> arising from the nasty forms of distortion that accrued from signal levels 
> that exercised only the few
> lowest order bits of the ADCs.
> Dana Whitlow
> Arecibo Observatory
>> Hi, Adam,
>> I haven't looked at the spectral content of a terminated input before so I 
>> don’t have any comparative results, but I think the spikes you are seeing 
>> are caused by mismatched gains and/or offsets of the ADC’s interleaved cores 
>> (I think there are a total of 8 cores, also called "branches" in the 
>> datasheet).  Have you tried sampling band limited noise (e.g. low pass at 
>> Fs/20)?  I think the severity of the spikes will be less in the presence of 
>> a signal.  In the worst case you will have to ignore the 8 frequency 
>> channels with these spikes, but you might be able to improve things by 
>> tweaking the coarse gain and/or fine gain registers in the ADC.
>> HTH,
>> Dave
>>> On Sep 20, 2016, at 11:46 AM, Schoenwald, Adam (GSFC-564.0)[AS and D, Inc.] 
>>> <> wrote:
>>> Hi All,
>>> I have a question regarding the ADC16x250-8 coax rev 2 running in demux by 
>>> 4 mode. When I terminate the inputs with a 50 ohm connector and collect 
>>> data using a basic snapshot block design, I get a little bit of noise on 
>>> the LSB. I export the data to a csv file and find that it is a collection 
>>> of 0’s and -1’s, indicating that the level being converted by the adc is 
>>> sitting between these two values and there is some sort of internal noise 
>>> causing us to jump between values. What is alarming is that when I 
>>> collected 2^18 samples and run spectral analysis I see large spikes at 
>>> intervals of FS/16 (See Attached, pwelch(x,1024,256,[],800)).
>>> I am running the ADC at 800MHZ and the FPGA at 200MHZ. I am using one of 
>>> the more recent casper builds after the bitslipping commit on Mar 25th. I 
>>> also tried to use the ruby script located 
>>> at
>>> I run the bof file with “adc16_init.rb --reg=0x3a=0x0202,0x3b=0x0202 -d 4 
>>> roach_ip boffile”, where I change the ic inputs. We only connected 8 of the 
>>> 16 coax cables to the board and I had to switch off the default.
>>> Has anyone else had a similar experience or ideas? 
>>> ----------------------------------------------------
>>> Adam Schoenwald
>>> ----------------------------------------------------
>>> <adc16_terminated.png>

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