A quick update:

I get the same error in the nrp-nautilus cloud.

Any suggestions?


On 21/02/2023 17:13, Kaj Wiik wrote:

As a test I made a design with only sysgen, ZCU111 and rfdc block and I got the same


The S-function 'sysgen' in 'sysgen_only/rfdc/sysgen_only_rfdc_s00_axis_tdata' has specified the option SS_OPTION_PORT_SAMPLE_TIMES_ASSIGNED and specified inherited for sample time number 0. Inheriting a sample time is not supported when specifying SS_OPTION_PORT_SAMPLE_TIMES_ASSIGNED


error without any connections. The same error message with ZRF16. When I am trying with ZCU216 or ZCU208, I get an error message that these parts are not in my Vivado installation, according to release notes, they should be (maybe an error in the part suffix?).

When I ran update_casper_blocks(bdroot), I got

searching for CASPER blocks to update in sysgen_only...found 2
updating block sysgen_only/ZCU111...
updating block sysgen_only/rfdc...
Error using update_casper_block (line 216)
Invalid setting in Xilinx RF Data Converter block (mask) 'rfdc' for parameter 't228_DT_dac1_mixer_mode'

Error in update_casper_blocks (line 140)
     update_casper_block(blks{k}); - Show complete stack trace

and the rfdc block disappeared... DAC was disabled.

This cannot be due to using Ubuntu 18.04 surely?

Any suggestions what to try next?



(base) kjwiik@rfsoc:~/casper/mlib_devel$ git status
On branch m2021a
Your branch is up to date with 'origin/m2021a'.

(base) kjwiik@rfsoc:~/casper/xilinx/device-tree-xlnx$ git status
On branch master
Your branch is up to date with 'origin/master'.

On 2/20/23 18:12, Kaj Wiik wrote:

An update...

The segfault was (fortunately!) due to Ubuntu 20.04 running a 18.04 kernel (Linux System Containers).

I moved then to 18.04 container, I had to install miniconda3 to get more recent Python, after that I was able to produce bitstream without errors from the

I then tried zcu216_tut_spec.slx but it was stuck to endless error messages about "Part not found in Vivado" (attached). The same with zcu216_tut_spec_cx.slx

zcu111_tut_rfdc gave these errors:


The input ports on this block must be driven by other Xilinx blocks

Reported by:
The input ports on this block must be driven by other Xilinx blocks

Reported by:
A summary of Sysgen errors has been written to '/home/kjwiik/casper/tutorials_devel/rfsoc/tut_rfdc/zcu111_tut_rfdc_sysgen_error.log'

Reported by:
The S-function 'sysgen' in 'zcu111_tut_rfdc/ain/io_delay' has specified the option SS_OPTION_PORT_SAMPLE_TIMES_ASSIGNED and specified inherited for sample time number 0. Inheriting a sample time is not supported when specifying SS_OPTION_PORT_SAMPLE_TIMES_ASSIGNED


I guess these tutorials have been verified in some setups, clearly I am now missing something. Are these due to my FrankenCasper setup or am I using a wrong version of ... something?

Ubuntu 18.04 with Python 3.8.16 from miniconda
Using MATLAB_PATH=/opt/MATLAB/R2021a
Using XILINX_PATH=/opt/Xilinx/Vivado/2021.1
Using COMPOSER_PATH=/opt/Xilinx/Model_Composer/2021.1
    Model Composer Bin Dir   : /opt/Xilinx/Model_Composer/2021.1/bin
    Vitis Bin Dir            : /opt/Xilinx/Vitis/2021.1/bin
    System Generator Bin Dir : /opt/Xilinx/Vivado/2021.1/bin


On 2/19/23 12:47, Kaj Wiik wrote:

After setting


in requirements.txt and doing this (copying it here because the link was broken yesterday!):

Prerequisites for using Model Composer on Ubuntu 20 OS

QT4 library should be installed.
Ubuntu 20 comes with gcc 7.x to 9.x versions by default; you need to either install gcc 6.x manually or create a symbolic link using the following sudo commands:
sudo ln -s /usr/include/asm-generic /usr/include/asm
sudo ln -s /usr/include/x86_64-linux-gnu/sys /usr/include/sys
sudo ln -s /usr/include/x86_64-linux-gnu/bits /usr/include/bits
sudo ln -s /usr/include/x86_64-linux-gnu/gnu /usr/include/gnu
Ubuntu 20 by default comes with dash shell. To avoid any issue that you may encounter while running the downstream AI Engine flows, it is recommended to change the shell from dash to bash using the following sudo command:
sudo dpkg-reconfigure dash

I can simulate zcu111_tut_platform but jasper stops to a segfault:

# update_compile_order -fileset sources_1
# reset_run synth_1
# launch_runs synth_1 -jobs 4
INFO: [IP_Flow 19-1686] Generating 'Synthesis' target for IP 'zcu111_tut_platform_ip'... tcmalloc: large alloc 31648768670588928 bytes == (nil) @  0x7fa5dd50a644 0x7fa57d6b133d
Abnormal program termination (11)
Please check '/home/kjwiik/work/zcu111_tut_platform/hs_err_pid19590.log' for details segfault in /opt/Xilinx/Vivado/2021.1/bin/unwrapped/lnx64.o/vivado -exec vivado -jou /home/kjwiik/work/zcu111_tut_platform/vivado.jou -log /home/kjwiik/work/zcu111_tut_platform/vivado.log -mode batch -source /home/kjwiik/work/zcu111_tut_platform/gogogo.tcl, exiting...
Traceback (most recent call last):
   File "/home/kjwiik/work/mlib_devel/jasper_library/exec_flow.py", line 239, in <module>
     backend.compile(cores=opts.jobs, plat=platform,
   File "/home/kjwiik/work/mlib_devel/jasper_library/toolflow.py", line 2329, in compile
     raise Exception('Vivado failed!')
Exception: Vivado failed!
Error using jasper (line 23)
Backend build failed! Check log files for more information

I tried to replace libtcmalloc.so.4 from Matlab and Vivado/Vitis installations with a libtcmalloc.so.4 from one in libgoogle-perftools4 but got

realloc(): invalid pointer
Abnormal program termination (6)

There is this error in the start, maybe not related:
ERROR: Could not get table row for block(tout), parent(77777) info( 0000 1111 2222 3333 4444 5555 6666 7777 8888 9999  .... .... .... .... .... .... .... .... .... ....1024681246822468324684246852468624687246882468924680)

I also tried to delete all except the led blinking blocks from the design but still got the segfault.

--------------------------------- Version Log ----------------------------------
Version                                 Path
System Generator 2021.1                 /opt/Xilinx/Vivado/2021.1
Matlab (R2021a) Update 7 /opt/MATLAB/R2021a
Vivado 2021.1                           /opt/Xilinx/Vivado/2021.1
Ubuntu 20.04

Any suggestions?


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