The solution is to perform these commands while activated into the 

sudo apt-get -y install expat 

sudo apt install build-essential libssl-dev libffi-dev python3.8-dev 
On Thursday, March 14, 2024 at 9:41:08 PM UTC-4 Ken Semanov wrote:

> The following error occurs during MATLAB start up, after activating the 
> cfpga_env virtual environment and performing  ./startsg     
> Starting Model Composer 
> Warning: Executing startup failed in matlabrc. This indicates a 
> potentially serious problem in your MATLAB setup, which should be resolved 
> as soon as possible. Error detected was: 
> MATLAB:undefinedVarOrClass Unable to resolve the name py.sys.path.
>  Vitis Model Composer: Block Reference User Guide Tutorial Examples 
> Provide feedback for Vitis Model Composer.
> >>
> This warning does not occur when merely starting MATLAB.  Only under 
> startsg. This is likely a CASPER problem.  
> What should be tried next?
> All attempts to trouble-shoot and resolve this have failed, including all 
> the "solutions" posted on Mathworks forums. MATLAB is finding the 
> environment and finding python.
> [image: linkcorrectactivates.png]
> .
> That link is correct.  
> [image: pyth3p8.png]
> .
> That environment can be activated. 
> [image: activatedcfpga.png]
> .
> Contents of startsg.local ,    (screencap because Google Groups has no 
> multiline code pasting)   
> [image: contentsstartsglocal.png]
> .
> Contents of  .bashrc 
> .
> [image: contentsbashrc.png]

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