On Wed, Jan 27, 2010 at 8:34 AM, Jonathan Ellis <jbel...@gmail.com> wrote:
> While being able to write (with CL.ZERO or new-in-0.6 ANY) even if all
> the real write targets are down is cool, but since your goal in real
> life is to keep enough replicas alive that you can actually do reads,
> I'm not sure how useful it is.  HH also has a measurable performance
> problem in small clusters (that is, where cluster size is not much
> larger than replication factor) since having a node go down means you
> will increase the write load on the remaining nodes a non-negligible
> amount to write the hints, which can be a nasty surprise if you
> weren't planning for it.

The HH code currently tries to send the hints to nodes other than the
natural endpoints. If small-scale performance is a problem, we could
make the natural endpoints be responsible for the hints. This reduces
durability a bit, but might be a decent tradeoff.

> As for HH's consistency-improving characteristics, remember that HH is
> not reliable (it's possible for a node to be down for several seconds
> before HH gets turned on for it; it's also possible that the node with
> the hints itself goes down before the target node comes back up),
> which is why we needed the anti-entropy repair code.  So I think you
> could make the case that now that we have anti-entropy, read repair
> will be sufficient to handle inconsistency on "hot" keys, with
> anti-entropy to handle infrequently accessed ones.  (Remembering of
> course that if you wanted strong consistency in the first place, you
> need to be doing quorum reads and writes and HH doesn't really matter.
>  So we are talking about how to reduce inconsistency, when the client
> has explicitly told us they're okay with seeing a little.)

I'm not up to date on the latest AES work, but if its running
automatically (not just admin triggered) and converges relatively
quickly, I think this is a good move.

> Finally, I note that Cliff Moon, the author of Dynomite (probably the
> most advanced pure Dynamo clone), deliberately left HH out for I
> believe substantially these reasons.  (CC'd in case he wants to chime
> in. :)

Please share the secret knowledge. :)


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