On Fri, Dec 18, 2009 at 2:30 PM, David MARTIN <dmartin....@gmail.com> wrote:
> Is a 3 million records set not a big deal for Solr? If I consider
> about 30 properties per item, I have to give Solr 90 millions
> properties to consider. Is that volume still correct for such a
> solution?

FWIW, I index 30M+ entries with ~12 fields each (solr can have dynamic
fields), withouth any problem on a normal-sized machine.
Notice that solr is not real time though, e.g. you may write something
and not be able to read it back until it is committed and the index
searcher is re-opened, but this seems like it wouldn't be a big
problem for the OP.

> And regarding lucene on top of Cassandra, can people share their feed
> back, if any, about such a solution. Pros & cons vs Solr for instance.

It seems lucandra still has a few limitations that may be problematic
or not (no deletion/update/boosting) but I'd be curious to hear about
this too, it seems the basic idea is sound and may be a great
technology in the long term.

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