On Mon, 28 Dec 2009 11:02:30 -0700 Joe Stump <j...@joestump.net> wrote: 

JS> On Dec 28, 2009, at 11:00 AM, Ted Zlatanov wrote:

>> Is this worth a JIRA feature request?  Or is it something Cassandra will
>> never support fully?  From the user's perspective it's very useful.

JS> I don't know why it'd be very useful to be honest. Lots of us have
JS> CF's with billions of keys. Ours, for instance, tends to shit its
JS> pants when returning ~300k keys.

I can see that's a problem.  In my case, row keys represent switches in
production so I don't expect more than a few hundred.  An application
can't find out how many switches are known without enumerating the
keys; how would you suggest I attack the problem?

JS> If you're asking for a CF count value, I can see that being useful
JS> (e.g. There are 4m keys in CF 'foo').

That's more useful for your setup, absolutely.  In my case the number is
too small to matter.


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