At the hackathon Twitter hosted last year, a lot of people showed up
who were curious about Cassandra and could have used more of a
structured introduction first.  We've made a lot of progress 6? months
later but that might be something to consider.

On Tue, Jan 26, 2010 at 10:42 PM, Dan Di Spaltro
<> wrote:
> Would anyone be interested in a Cassandra hack-a-thon at the end of
> February in San Francisco?
> I think it would be great to get everyone together, since the last
> hack-a-thon was at the Twitter office back around OSCON time.   We
> could provide space in the Mission area or someone else could too, our
> office is in a pretty interesting area
> (
> Tell me what you guys think!
> --
> Dan Di Spaltro

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