
I'm using Castor XML with EJB's. My EJB's reference other EJB's, both as 
direct references and as collections.

I would prefer if these references and collections were handled by 
allowing me to dereference them using custom code. E.g. use IDREF's 
which would allow me to look up the EJB's when loading an EJB that 
references others. I can't find any docs, examples, or mailing list 
archive posts that hint how this could be done, but from the API's it 
seems kind of possible.

How would I go about doing this? If the answer is "it's tough but do 
something like this.." that's fine, I just NEED this to work :-)

I tried setting <bind-xml name="reference"> but that didn't help. What 
are the rules for when an IDResolver is used anyway?

I did try implementing CDR's, but can't quite understand how they're 
supposed to work. To be exact, how do I get my own object resolution 
code in there? (i.e. what do I code to say "let this code handle object 
resolution of this field")

Any clues on this would be most helpful.


Rickard Öberg
Author of "Mastering RMI"
Chief Architect, TheServerSide.com
   The Middleware Company - We Build Experts!

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