You may want to try the latest jdbc driver for postgresql from  The ones that have been distributed in postgresql
in 7.1.3 and eariler releases have had problems with this.  Keep in mind
that the new driver uses columns of type bytea instead of type oid for
large object support.

--- Jan Kanzleiter <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> hi,
> On Fri, Jan 25, 2002 at 01:38:03PM +1300, Keith Chew wrote:
> > Oh yeah, I think I encountered this before. It's a JDBC driver
> problem. If
> > you look that the JDBC implementation, the version that you have got
> has
> > removed quite a number of types in the setObject().
> ah, then an other jdbc driver would help me?
> > Basically, I used another
> > setObject() in Castor that the postgresql JDBC driver supports.
> do you talk about this patch?
> > I'll dig around later and get back to you if I find it.
> that would be really cool.
> thanks a lot for your help
> jan
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