Thank you for handling that.  I'll update the test cases to a) make sure
the right driver is available b) schema uses bytea and the docs so that
others know that this can be done.

Thanks again.

On Sat, 2002-02-02 at 18:34, Jan Kanzleiter wrote:
> hi,
> i only want to say thank you to all the people on the list who helped me 
> with the postgresql and large object problem - it is resolved now.
> i use "bytea" instead of "oid" in postgresql 7.1.3. As jdbc-driver i use 
> the jdbc7.2dev-1.2.har from
> the mapping for the field is:
>     <field name="imgdata" type="bytes">
>       <sql name="imgdata" type="varbinary" dirty="ignore"/>
>     </field>
> in the database.xml i have the following setting:
> <database name="people" engine="postgresql" >
>   <driver class-name="org.postgresql.Driver"
>           url="jdbc:postgresql://">
>     <param name="user" value="postgres" />
>     <param name="password" value="" />
>   </driver>
>   <mapping href="mapping.xml" />
> </database>
> greetings
> jan
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