We are using WAS 4.x.. If both the config files are in the same directory
as the class that is loading the JDO you should have no problem. Assuming
your initialization code looks like this from the examples?

       _mapping = new Mapping( getClass().getClassLoader() );
        _mapping.setLogWriter( writer );
        _mapping.loadMapping( getClass().getResource( MappingFile ) );

        _jdo = new JDO();
        _jdo.setLogWriter( writer );
        _jdo.setConfiguration( getClass().getResource( DatabaseFile
).toString() );
        _jdo.setDatabaseName( "test" );

                    "Stephen Ince"                                                     
                    <[EMAIL PROTECTED]       To:     [EMAIL PROTECTED]                 
                    and.com>             cc:                                           
                                         Subject:     [castor-dev] Websphere and 
Castor configuration                                 
                    12:59 PM                                                           
                    Please respond                                                     
                    to castor-dev                                                      

Is anyone using castor (9.4.*) in websphere ?  What is your mapping
configuration? My mapping.xml and database.xml files are in the same
directory. I am having difficulty with the following configuration.

<database name="ods" engine="db2">
<jndi name="java:comp/env/jdbc/ods"/>
<mapping href="mapping.xml"/>

It can't find my mapping.xml file. Is it possible for the href argument to
be a url that uses the classloader. I am picking the database.xml but not


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