Hi Bruce,

Thanks for your contribution, can you please enter in bugzilla at
bugzilla.exolab.org to ensure it is reviewed?



> -----Original Message-----
> From: Bruce Cota [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
> Sent: Friday, July 11, 2003 5:55 AM
> Subject: [castor-dev] Patch for an element occuring multiple 
> times in a complex type
> Hi, here's a patch for the situation where the same element
> can occur more than once in a complex type (e.g., in 
> different places within a sequence.)
> Also, the default attribute didn't seem to work with
> attributese of types NMTOKENS (at least not with -type j2), 
> so I fixed that (for -type j2).
> This is a diff against the latest version in cvs.
> Attached is a very simple schema on which the current version
> of castor fails, and the patched version succeeds.
> Hope this is useful.
> Thanks
> Bruce Cota
> Unicon, Inc.

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