Hello all,

Has anyone successfully gotten a field containing some
sort of array of arbitrary custom objects to work? I'm
talking about a mapping that looks like:
<field name="items" type="mypackage.Item"
      <sql name="item_id" many-key="subscale_id"/>

In other words, there's a 'subscale' table with a
subscale_id, an 'item' table with an item_id and the
foreign key subscale_id. A Subscale object has a
property that is an array of Item's.

Castor seems to expect an array of java.lang.Object's,
as I get this error:
org.exolab.castor.mapping.MappingException: The return
type for method public mypackage.Item[]
mypackage.Subscale.getItems() does not match the
declared field type [Ljava.lang.Object;

I can add in some methods to return my collections as
Vector's (I get Vector collection types to work no
problem), but that's sort of messy and I'd rather see
the array collection type work. The documentation seems
to indicate that it should work the way I am expecting,
and I use array collections extensively in Castor XML
mapping. Am I missing something?



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