I'm trying to get an unmapped xml file -> object unmarshalling working.

I got very similar code to work before, but now this:

       java.io.Reader readDoc = new FileReader("C:\\temp\\doc.txt");
        IDocument doc = null;
        Class documentClass =
            try {
             doc = (IDocument)
org.exolab.castor.xml.Unmarshaller.unmarshal(documentClass, readDoc);
            } catch(Exception e){
                  throw new Exception("hey didn't read dangit "+e);

prints up this 
java.lang.Exception: hey didn't read dangit org.xml.sax.SAXException:
unable to instantiate com.taxware.api.document.IDocument;
com.taxware.api.document.IDocument{file: [not available]; line: 2;
column: 11} 

The file in question I generated by marshalling an existing document
object in Castor...

how can I figure out what the problem is? It seemed to be working fine

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