On Fri, 2 Apr 2004 08:12:37 -0500, Nick Stuart wrote:

>Thanks for your replies, both Werner and Bruce. I'll add a enhancement bug to 
>bugzilla for the exception and take a look at those other bugs as well. 
Everything you state makes sense, I know all about re-using stuff once its already 
been coded...even if there is a better way around it :)
>But, at least the good news is that it is getting worked on and upgraded which is 
>really cool to hear!
>At some point, when I'm done with college (last semester, woohoo!) and all I have to 
>worry about is work I'm going to start 
>poking around in castor a lot more to see what damage I can do. :)
Interesting comment ... looking back sort of eight years, it now appears to me that I 
never ever had so much time at my fingers as back when I was 
finishing my master degree. Iow, feel free to start digging now ... spare time will 
decrease sharply once you hit the market ... ;-).


>Thanks again for the replies and clarification.
>P.s. And no more html message will pass your way, I swear!
>-----Original Message-----
>From: Werner Guttmann [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
>Sent: Friday, April 02, 2004 6:22 AM
>Subject: Re: [castor-dev] updating when not in cache...
>if I ever see an email with HTML code again, I am not going to respond anymore ... 
>;-). Just kidding, of course.
>Please see inline for (tentative) replies ...
>--Original Message Text---
>From: Nick Stuart
>Date: Thu, 1 Apr 2004 17:13:21 -0500
>Hello all. I was just wandering about long transactions and cache management. What's 
>happening is that I'm loading a bunch of stuff up to use/view 
in jsp pages. I load enough stuff up so that stuff gets bumped out of the cache, which 
is fine until I try and go to update something, then it gives me an 
><werner >
>well, as you've discovered yourself, for long transactions to work, an object 
>previously loaded in an earlier transaction context needs to be in cache for
>Database.update() to work. I do agree that this is not ideal and hence should be 
>changed. And to give you a nice and warm feeling about the future, it 
will be changed (eventually). I am currently reworking major parts of the performance 
caches (details to be found in bugs 1532, 1533 and 1534), and I 
am making some progress, indeed. But so far, my focus has been on refactoring the 
performance caches wrt their internal structure (subclassing vs. 
>subtyping), instantiation, configuration. Iow, I have not touched on the subject of 
>decoupling performance cache(s) from dirty checking cache. As 
that's what you are currently suffering from. When this has been implemented 
originally, a decision has been taken to 're-use' the performance caches .. 
not an ideal one, though.
>I think long-term, all this will have to be addressed. In the short term, I agree 
>that a couple of things could be done re: throwing a different exception, 
>For the time being, I thin you'll be stuck with either using Unlimited or 
>CountLimited with a carefully selected capacity.
>Would there be a way to update something that is not in the cache? 
><werner> as per above, no. </werner>
>I changed the cache-type to unlimited so that nothing gets thrown out, but I would 
>like to not to have to store everything in memory if I can avoid it. I 
would use lazy-loading but it needs to have the transaction or the database (?) open 
for it to load the object which makes sense, but I close both when 
I'm done doing something so that wont work. :/ 
>Here's the output of my log before I changed the cache-type: 
>16:35:39,280 [main] DEBUG com.vort.help.tests - Ticket 1286/1080855338898 loaded.
>2004-04-01 16:35:39,280 [main] DEBUG com.vort.help.commands - Starting to update 
>2004-04-01 16:35:39,280 [main] INFO  com.vort.help.commands - Updating ticket 
>#1286/1080855338898 for user jbutler
>2004-04-01 16:35:39,280 [main] DEBUG com.vort.help.commands.UpdateTicketInfo - 
>Updating all related ticket information
>2004-04-01 16:35:39,280 [main] DEBUG org.exolab.castor.persist.cache.CountLimited - 
>Removing cache entry for key com.vort.help.beans.Priority/2: 
>com.vort.help.beans.Priority/2/17 -/-
>2004-04-01 16:35:39,280 [main] DEBUG org.exolab.castor.persist.cache.CountLimited - 
>Removing cache entry for key
>com.vort.help.beans.Category/82: com.vort.help.beans.Category/82/137 -/-
>2004-04-01 16:35:39,280 [main] DEBUG com.vort.help.commands.UpdateTicketInfo - 
>Updating the tech info for nstuart
>2004-04-01 16:35:39,280 [main] DEBUG org.exolab.castor.persist.cache.TimeLimited - 
>TimeLimiteLRU: remove
>= com.vort.help.beans.Employee/nstuart/0 -/-
>2004-04-01 16:35:39,280 [main] DEBUG org.exolab.castor.persist.cache.CountLimited - 
>Removing cache entry for key com.vort.help.beans.User/3: 
>com.vort.help.beans.User/3/115 -/-
>2004-04-01 16:35:39,280 [main] DEBUG org.exolab.castor.persist.cache.CountLimited - 
>Removing cache entry for key
>com.vort.help.beans.Department/11: com.vort.help.beans.Department/11/1 -/-
>2004-04-01 16:35:39,290 [main] DEBUG org.exolab.castor.persist.cache.TimeLimited - 
>TimeLimiteLRU: remove
>= com.vort.help.beans.Employee/jbutler/117 -/-
>2004-04-01 16:35:39,290 [main] DEBUG org.exolab.castor.persist.cache.CountLimited - 
>Removing cache entry for key com.vort.help.beans.User/15: 
>com.vort.help.beans.User/15/136 -/-
>2004-04-01 16:35:39,290 [main] DEBUG org.exolab.castor.persist.cache.CountLimited - 
>Removing cache entry for key
>com.vort.help.beans.Ticket/1286: null  <<<<<------
>2004-04-01 16:35:39,290 [main] INFO  com.vort.help.commands - There was a problem 
>updating the ticket: Timestamp mismatched!
>2004-04-01 16:35:39,300 [main] DEBUG com.vort.help.commands - StackTrace:
>org.exolab.castor.jdo.ObjectModifiedException: Timestamp mismatched! 
><<<<<----- I looked through the source and saw that this was supposed to be the 
>removedObject from the cache, so apparently this wasn't there to be 
removed and hence complains. Maybe a better exception here would be ObjectNotInCache 
or something like that. I spent hours trying to figure where 
my timestamp issues were because I didn't have the castor logs on debug mode :( 
><werner>I agree that something should be done about the exception thrown ... please 
>feel free to file a bug report (enhancemenbt request), and I'll 
take a look ... as always, an associated patch would be welcome as well.</werner>
>And basically I guess I want to know is, why does an object have to be in cache in 
>order to update it? 
><werner>'casue that's the chosen mechanism to store the timestamp information 
>associated with the object when it has been loaded in a previous 
transaction context. as explained above, the performance caches have veen 
're-used'when they should not have .. ;-). I hope this explains why things 
are occuring as they are. Of course, my explanation still fails to make the problem go 
away ...</werner>
>Couldn't it get reloaded if it wasn't in the cache and then update it? I'm not quite 
>sure where the dirty checking comes in but I'm guessing this is why 
things need to be in the cache to in order to be updated....is this right? 
>Nicholas Stuart
>Computer Systems Analyst 
>Vortechnics, Inc. 
>200 Enterprise Drive
>Scarborough, Maine 04074 
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