I REPOST this as text only, as suggested by Werner Guttman:

Werner Guttmann wrote:

can you please REPOST this message as text/ascii, as this mailing does not accept HTML messages.


--Original Message Text---
From: g r i t s e n k o
Date: Mon, 12 Apr 2004 11:11:24 -0500

Brief error description:

Castor ignores map-to xml=resume in mapping for Resume class, which at run time is materialized by proxy class  Apache OJB does it for lazy loading purposes  so called dynamic proxy.

Castor attempts to marshal Resume and comes up with xml tag name for Resume, which is in fact name of the proxy class, run-time-provided by Apache OJB.

It happens that proxy class name starts with a dollar sign - $.

MS Explorer does not like tag names starting with $ signs and complains  incorrect character.

The truth is that in Castor xml mapping  see fragment below- I do declare xml tag name I want for Resume  it is resume lower case.

Yet Castor ignores this request and takes the name from OJB-run-time provided proxy class name.

(?) Please suggest how to make Castor to take xml tag name I ask for. (?)

Detailed error scenario:

Resume.class which implements InterfaceResume interface.

Interface is used for reason of leveraging lazy loading, provided by Apache OJB object-relational bridge framework.

Castor is used for XML marshalling/unmarshalling.

I am marshalling Resume as a root element(tag) of the xml document  there is nothing above Resume.

Castor XML mapping fragment:


<class name="com.semanticestate.gold.valueobject.Resume"

auto-complete="false" >

<map-to xml="resume"/>

<field name="id" type="integer">

<bind-xml node="element"/>


<field name="availDay" type="string">

<bind-xml node="element"/>


<field name="availMonth" type="string">

<bind-xml node="element"/>


<field name="availYear" type="string">

<bind-xml node="element"/>


<field name="isNotAvailable" type="string">

<bind-xml node="element" />


<field name="file" type="string">

<bind-xml node="element"/>


<field name="language" type="string">

<bind-xml node="element"/>


<field name="name" type="string">

<bind-xml node="element"/>


<field name="address" type="string">

<bind-xml node="element"/>


<field name="profile" type="string">

<bind-xml node="element"/>


<field name="profileA" type="string">

<bind-xml node="element"/>


<field name="profileB" type="string">

<bind-xml node="element"/>


<field name="profileC" type="string">

<bind-xml node="element"/>


<field name="security" type="string">

<bind-xml node="element"/>


<field name="telephone" type="string">

<bind-xml node="element"/>


<field name="project" get-method="getProjectList" type="com.semanticestate.gold.valueobject.Project"

collection="collection" >


<field name="education" get-method="getEducationList" type="com.semanticestate.gold.valueobject.Education"

collection="collection" >

<bind-xml node="element"/>


<field name="certification" get-method="getCertificationList" type="com.semanticestate.gold.valueobject.Certification"

collection="collection" >

<bind-xml node="element"/>


<field name="training" get-method="getTrainingList" type="com.semanticestate.gold.valueobject.Training"

collection="collection" >

<bind-xml node="element"/>


<field name="presentation" get-method="getPresentationList" type="com.semanticestate.gold.valueobject.Presentation"

collection="collection" >

<bind-xml node="element"/>


<field name="conference" get-method="getConferenceList" type="com.semanticestate.gold.valueobject.Conference"

collection="collection" >

<bind-xml node="element"/>


<field name="publication" get-method="getPublicationList" type="com.semanticestate.gold.valueobject.Publication"

collection="collection" >

<bind-xml node="element"/>


<field name="proAssociation" get-method="getProAssociationList" type="com.semanticestate.gold.valueobject.ProAssociation"

collection="collection" >

<bind-xml node="element"/>


<field name="techItem" get-method="getTechItemList" type="com.semanticestate.gold.valueobject.TechItem"

collection="collection" >

<bind-xml node="element"/>



<class name="com.semanticestate.gold.valueobject.Project"

auto-complete="true" >

<field name="repherence" get-method="getRepherenceList" type="com.semanticestate.gold.valueobject.Repherence"

collection="collection" >

<bind-xml node="element"/>



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