Seriously, guys, does anybody have any constructive ideas why Castor ignores ‘map-to xml=’resume’ in class descriptor for Resume class, which implements InterfaceResume, which at run time is represented by proxy class with name starting with '$' , e.g. $Proxy0

The effect I want to achieve is to have my xml element name, 'resume', instead of what Castor imposes on me - '$-proxy-0'

Why? Because web browser, which reads generated by Castor xml, considers xml tag names starting with $ to be incorrect.

If this thing has no solution, I will hate to switch to Quick, or Zeus, or something else.... :(

That would be very sad, since I invested 1.5 years in Castor...


g r i t s e n k o wrote:

Brief error description:

Castor ignores ‘map-to xml=’resume’ in mapping for Resume class, which at run time is materialized by proxy class – Apache OJB does it for lazy loading purposes – so called dynamic proxy.

Castor attempts to marshal Resume and comes up with xml tag name for Resume, which is in fact name of the proxy class, run-time-provided by Apache OJB.

It happens that proxy class name starts with a dollar sign - $.

MS Explorer does not like tag names starting with $ signs and complains – incorrect character.

The truth is that in Castor xml mapping – see fragment below- I do declare xml tag name I want for Resume – it is ‘resume’ lower case.

Yet Castor ignores this request and takes the name from OJB-run-time provided proxy class name.

(?) Please suggest how to make Castor to take xml tag name I ask for. (?)

Detailed error scenario:

Resume.class which implements InterfaceResume interface.

Interface is used for reason of leveraging lazy loading, provided by Apache OJB object-relational bridge framework.

Castor is used for XML marshalling/unmarshalling.

I am marshalling Resume as a root element(tag) of the xml document – there is nothing above Resume.

Castor XML mapping fragment:


<class name=""

auto-complete="false" >

<map-to xml="resume"/>

<field name="id" type="integer">

<bind-xml node="element"/>


<field name="availDay" type="string">

<bind-xml node="element"/>


<field name="availMonth" type="string">

<bind-xml node="element"/>


<field name="availYear" type="string">

<bind-xml node="element"/>


<field name="isNotAvailable" type="string">

<bind-xml node="element" />


<field name="file" type="string">

<bind-xml node="element"/>


<field name="language" type="string">

<bind-xml node="element"/>


<field name="name" type="string">

<bind-xml node="element"/>


<field name="address" type="string">

<bind-xml node="element"/>


<field name="profile" type="string">

<bind-xml node="element"/>


<field name="profileA" type="string">

<bind-xml node="element"/>


<field name="profileB" type="string">

<bind-xml node="element"/>


<field name="profileC" type="string">

<bind-xml node="element"/>


<field name="security" type="string">

<bind-xml node="element"/>


<field name="telephone" type="string">

<bind-xml node="element"/>


<field name="project" get-method="getProjectList" type=""

collection="collection" >


<field name="education" get-method="getEducationList" type=""

collection="collection" >

<bind-xml node="element"/>


<field name="certification" get-method="getCertificationList" type=""

collection="collection" >

<bind-xml node="element"/>


<field name="training" get-method="getTrainingList" type=""

collection="collection" >

<bind-xml node="element"/>


<field name="presentation" get-method="getPresentationList" type=""

collection="collection" >

<bind-xml node="element"/>


<field name="conference" get-method="getConferenceList" type=""

collection="collection" >

<bind-xml node="element"/>


<field name="publication" get-method="getPublicationList" type=""

collection="collection" >

<bind-xml node="element"/>


<field name="proAssociation" get-method="getProAssociationList" type=""

collection="collection" >

<bind-xml node="element"/>


<field name="techItem" get-method="getTechItemList" type=""

collection="collection" >

<bind-xml node="element"/>



<class name=""

auto-complete="true" >

<field name="repherence" get-method="getRepherenceList" type=""

collection="collection" >

<bind-xml node="element"/>




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