
Bugs are posted (1830, 1831).  Thanks for the help.


Keith Visco wrote:

Hi Stephen,

Both "Funny Things" appear to be legitimate bugs. The first being a bug in the error reporting and the second being a bug in the traversing of the state stack. Your solution should work, but instead of checking for a null fieldDesc it should probably check to see if the state is a place holder for a wrapper element and if so, keep looking up the stack.

It would be great if you could open up bug reports on these in our Bugzilla (



Stephen Bash wrote:

Hello all. I'm a newbie to the list, so while I will do my best to follow the guidelines, constructive criticism is welcome. I recently began using Castor (v0.9.5.4-xml) to do XML data binding on an existing Java object model. The Java model includes several Maps, and it is there that I've discovered some odd behavior. The two cases are outlined below, with code and xml examples at the end of the message. Any comments on my implementations are welcome, but I'd also like to know what the developers think of these issues (I don't want to run into a feature and think it is a bug...) Thank you for your time.

Funny Thing 1:
This behavior was actually discovered when debugging behavior 2 below, but it is easier to describe first. I begin with an object that contains a Map (in my case, a java.util.HashMap), which is correctly marshaled using a mapping file and identifying the field using collection="map". The XML file is then changed by some outside influence such that one of the <key> elements has two <value> elements following it (making the XML an invalid representation of the Java object). When the XML file is then unmarshaled by Castor, it correctly reports the error ('element "value" occurs more than once'), but when it gives the path to the element, it lists /mapName/mapName/value rather than /rootElement/mapName/value. In a brief survey of the code, I think this is tied to line 938 in the UnmarshalHandler (location = state.elementName + "/" + location;) which should read tmpState.elementName instead of state.elementName. Java code, exception message, and XML files are included below.

Funny Thing 2:
In the same situation as above, unmarshaling an invalid XML representation of a Map, a NullPointerException will be raised on line 937 of the UnmarshalHandler if the map is enclosed in an element using the location attribute in the <bind-xml> element of the mapping file. The null pointer arises when the UnmarshalHandler attempts to get a field descriptor on the enclosing element. My guess is a simple null check should eliminate the problem (i.e. if tmpState.fieldDesc is null, just add the XML element name to location and continue up the tree looking for an element that does have a field descriptor). Again, Java code, exception message, and XML files are below.

Examples for Behavior 1: (Some items stripped for length)

Java Code:
   Mapping barMap1 = new Mapping();
   barMap1.loadMapping( "barMap1.xml" );

   Unmarshaller um1 = new Unmarshaller();
   um1.setMapping( barMap1 );
   Bar test = (Bar)um1.unmarshal(new FileReader("UnmarshalEx1.xml"));

Exception Stack Trace:

element "value" occurs more than once. (parent class: org.exolab.castor.mapping.MapItem)
location: /FooBarData/FooBarData/value
ValidationException: element "value" occurs more than once. (parent class: org.exolab.castor.mapping.MapItem)
location: /FooBarData/FooBarData/value
at org.exolab.castor.xml.UnmarshalHandler.endElement(

at org.exolab.castor.xml.UnmarshalHandler.endElement(

at org.apache.xerces.parsers.SAXParser.endElement(
at org.apache.xerces.validators.common.XMLValidator.callEndElement(

at org.apache.xerces.framework.XMLDocumentScanner$ContentDispatcher.dispatch(

at org.apache.xerces.framework.XMLDocumentScanner.parseSome(

at org.apache.xerces.framework.XMLParser.parse(
at org.exolab.castor.xml.Unmarshaller.unmarshal(
at org.exolab.castor.xml.Unmarshaller.unmarshal(
at UnmarshalEx1.main(

Mapping file:
       <class name="foo.Bar">
           <map-to xml="FooBar" />
           <field name="data" collection="map">
               <bind-xml name="FooBarData" />

Data File:

Examples for Behavior 2: (Some items stripped for length)

Java Code:
   Mapping barMap2 = new Mapping();
   barMap2.loadMapping( "barMap2.xml" );

   Unmarshaller um1 = new Unmarshaller();
   um1.setMapping( barMap2 );
   Bar test = (Bar)um1.unmarshal(new FileReader("UnmarshalEx2.xml"));

Exception Stack Trace:

at org.exolab.castor.xml.UnmarshalHandler.endElement(

at org.exolab.castor.xml.UnmarshalHandler.endElement(

at org.apache.xerces.parsers.SAXParser.endElement(
at org.apache.xerces.validators.common.XMLValidator.callEndElement(

at org.apache.xerces.framework.XMLDocumentScanner$ContentDispatcher.dispatch(

at org.apache.xerces.framework.XMLDocumentScanner.parseSome(

at org.apache.xerces.framework.XMLParser.parse(
at org.exolab.castor.xml.Unmarshaller.unmarshal(
at org.exolab.castor.xml.Unmarshaller.unmarshal(
at UnmarshalEx2.main(

Mapping File:
       <class name="foo.Bar">
           <map-to xml="FooBar" />
           <field name="data" collection="map">
               <bind-xml name="FooBarData" location="FooBarWrapper" />

Data File:

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