Heh, bugs are fun!! :)

Its with MySQL, but also came to a problem with MS-SQL as well. It
throws an error because the result set can only be read forward, and
the way the size function works if going to the last record and
getting its number, then going back to the first.

The size issue appears to be directly related to the number of
children the record has. So I have a User who has multiple Clients.
When I go to load a user (who say, has 4 Clients) and I do a rs.size()
I get back 4, where it should just be one.  =\

I'll look into it more a bit this week. Should be slow being the
holidays and all.


> what database, iima ?
> Looking forward to all these bugs being opened .. ;-), and closed eventually.
> Regards
> Werner
> On Fri, 17 Dec 2004 15:09:13 -0500, Nick Stuart wrote:
> >
> >Hey all, I've noticed a problem where QueryResults.size() doesnt seem
> >to be reporting the correct size, or number of results.
> >results.hasMore() and the like are working fine, just not size().
> >
> >Also, while trying to update to the latest CVS version to check this
> >out I found it wont compile under JDK 1.5. I get the following problem
> >when I run build.sh
> >
> >[javac] 
> >/home/nstuart/java/castor/src/main/org/exolab/castor/persist/ClassMolder.java:1106:
> >compareTo(java.math.BigDecimal) in java.math.BigDecimal cannot be
> >applied to (java.lang.Object)
> >
> >[javac]         if ( (o1 instanceof java.math.BigDecimal) &&
> >((java.math.BigDecimal) o1).compareTo(o2) == 0) {
> >
> >Just thought I'd let someone with commiting power know, it seems like
> >an easy fix there. Also, will open a bug for size() issue if its not
> >resolved already. (couldnt find anything in bugzilla)
> >
> >
> >
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