On Thu, Feb 28, 2013 at 6:12 PM, M.-A. Lemburg <m...@egenix.com> wrote:
> On 28.02.2013 07:39, Nick Coghlan wrote:
>> 1. The next generation metadata infrastructure will NOT support
>> external hosting of files indexed on PyPI - if you don't upload the
>> archive files to PyPI, they won't be included in the next generation
>> metadata. If you want external hosting, you will need to run a
>> separate index (this is similar to the yum model - you can host files
>> wherever you want, but you need to run "yum createrepo" yourself to
>> generate the metadata, and instruct users on how to get their
>> installers to retrieve your metadata. The big difference between PyPI
>> and the yum model is that the default index still won't be curated at
>> all, so there's no review process to get through if you want to use
>> it, thus less need for external hosting).
> Could you elaborate on this ?
> AFAIK, the metadata only works on package names, regardless of where
> an installer finds them.

Caveat: this is NOT a final design, and people that aren't me will be
working out the exact details. It is, however, how I want it to work.

The next generation metadata publication infrastructure is likely to
be based on TUF, and thus will consist of pregenerated, signed
metadata served as static files. Installers will just download
metadata files, sdists and wheels (and probably eggs and tarballs),
and never need to contact an active web service. The only "active" web
service technically required will be one to regularly refresh the
signed timestamp file that prevents certain kinds of attacks based on
providing old, insecure versions of software (a cron job running on
the server hosting the metadata would suffice for this task). PyPI
itself will have another active service to automatically regenerate
the metadata when files are uploaded by maintainers. The delegation of
trust within the framework will be defined only for files hosted by
PyPI - it will not be extended to allow the declaration of external
URLs as a source for the target files.

Publishers will still be able to publish on external sites, but they
will need to generate their own metadata, and distributions published
that way won't be indexed in the next generation metadata on PyPI.
This is the same way yum repos work - the metadata for each repo only
covers SRPMs and RPMs hosted in that repo. If you want to download
software from somewhere else, you have to add another repo definition
in the client so it knows where to look for the metadata. APT works in
a similar fashion.


Nick Coghlan   |   ncogh...@gmail.com   |   Brisbane, Australia
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