On Thu, Feb 28, 2013 at 9:28 AM, Nick Coghlan <ncogh...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Pissing off the maintainers off packages that currently rely on
> external hosting by telling them they have to change their release
> processes if they want to keep releasing software on PyPI and have
> their users actually be able to download it is *not* a good idea,
> especially when we're about to ask them to upgrade their build chains
> for other reasons (including both security and reliability).

Who are these people by the way? Why are they not a part of this discussion?

Other than that I think I agree, you are basically saying that we need
to start warning/nagging about these issues before we actually remove
support for external hosting, so that it doesn't come as a  surprise,
if I understand you correctly. I agree. Therefore we need a warning
first, and it needs to be in the tools.

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