On Mar 8, 2013, at 4:12 PM, PJ Eby <p...@telecommunity.com> wrote:

> On Fri, Mar 8, 2013 at 2:52 PM, Noah Kantrowitz <n...@coderanger.net> wrote:
>> MD5 is _not_ acceptable for anything security related and we shouldn't be 
>> adding anything that increases our dependence on it. MD5's only use in the 
>> packaging world is to make people who forget that TCP has its own checksums 
>> feel all warm and fuzzy that there hasn't been _accidental_ download 
>> corruption.
> So, you're saying that someone has found a second-preimage attack
> against MD5 that's more efficient than the current 2**127 threshold
> established in 2009?
> "Anything security related" is pretty broad.  Out of the many classes
> of attacks on hashes, AFAIK the only class that's relevant to PyPI is
> second preimage attacks,  i.e. one where the attacker has the original
> file and the hash, and must construct a new file that produces the
> same hash value.

Relevant to PyPI is pretty broad, and when you're developing a secure system 
you need to look past what is ok *today* and design for the next 5, 10, or 20 
years. So even if there's no attack that can directly allow replacing the 
target file with a new one, continuing to utilize it is bad. It has a number of 
weaknesses which do not install confidence in its future security meanwhile 
there are a number of other hashes which _do_.

Unless you'd rather be trying to replace hashes everywhere once it's already 
completely broken.

> Did you have some other type of hash attack in mind?  And in either
> case, do you have a referent for the attack complexity?
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Donald Stufft
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