On 28/01/07, Guillermo Roditi <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:


take out the does '...' line and replace it with this:

override parameter_hashref => sub{
    my $self = shift;
    my $args = super();
    $args->{password} = delete $args->{new_password};
    delete $args->{confirm_new_password};
    return $args;

here's my class:

package Prefab::Model::Action::CreateUser;

use strict;
use warnings;

use Reaction::Class;
use aliased 'Reaction::InterfaceModel::Action::DBIC::ActionReflector';

extends qw(

my $r = ActionReflector->new;
$r->reflect_attrs('Prefab::Schema::User'  =>  __PACKAGE__,
                  qw/id username created_d role_list/);

override parameter_hashref => sub{
    my $self = shift;
    my $args = super();
    $args->{password} = delete $args->{new_password};
    delete $args->{confirm_new_password};
    return $args;


If you want to reflect fields like i did then add this method to
action reflector:

  implements reflect_attrs => as {
    my ($self, $from_class, $to_class, @attrs) = @_;
    foreach my $attr_name (@attrs) {


Cool, I like that reflect_attrs method, I'm already using it.
I have tried your aproach before. You can't delete the 'new_password' and
'confirm_new_password' or the confirm_password is not checked against
You have to live with the warnings in the error log.
But it doesn't work for me either. The problem is that
Reaction::InterfaceModel::Action::User::SetPassword and
Reaction::InterfaceModel::Action::DBIC::Role::CheckUniques both override
'error_for_attribute' and 'can_apply'. So if you have unique constraints in
your schema they don't get evaluated if your class extends from
User::SetPassword before ResultSet::Create
or if you reverse the order then your confirm password is not checked. I
tried to change the methods from override to augment and the super() call to
an inner() call but i got following error:
Moose::Role cannot support 'augment' at
/usr/local/share/perl/5.8.7/Moose/Role.pm line 138

So i don't know how to fix this.

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