On 18/02/07, RA Jones <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Hi Everyone,
> I have been experimenting with Catalyst::Controller::FormBuilder.  I'm
> trying to provide an edit form for objects read from and written to the
> DB via DBIx::Class.  Have FormBuilder automatically load the data from
> DBIC into the form seems pretty easy with something like:
>     my $widget = $c->model('MyAppDB::Widget')->find($id);
>     my $form = $self->formbuilder;
>     $form->values($widget->get_columns);
> However, an elegant way of writing the data back out is not jumping out
> at me.  I know I could manually copy each field out of the $form object
> to my $widget object, but it seems like there should be simple way to do
> it all in one line like I got with the
> "$form->values($widget->get_columns);" above.
> Any suggestions?  What are other folks doing for C::C::FormBuilder and DBIC?

I'm pretty new to this, but this is what I did:

sub edit : Local Form {

   # get data into form pretty much as above, then:

if ( $form->submitted && $form->validate ) {
   $c->stash->{user} = $user;

sub do_edit : Private {
   my ($self, $c) = @_;
   my $form = $self->formbuilder;
   my $fields = $form->field;
   $c->flash->{status_msg} = 'User updated';
   $c->response->redirect( $c->req->base . 'users/view/' .
     $c->stash->{user}->id );

Not sure if it's the 'best' way, but it works. Will be interesting to
see what other suggestions you get.

It might be worth looking at the code for DBIx::Class::HTMLWidget for some ideas

When you're populating the form from the database, would your
correctly set select menus?

Also, (for all browsers that I'm aware of) no value is sent back to
the server for unchecked radioboxes - so it'd be worth checking
whether the "$fb->field" solution handles this properly.
(I don't know, as I've only read the formbuilder docs, I've never used it).


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