On Tue, 13 Mar 2007, Octavian Rasnita wrote:

> From: "Simon Wilcox" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> > I just put the object in the stash. TT abstracts the method/hash key
> > accessor issue for you so that [% obj.name1 %] will work whether obj is an
> > object with a name1 accessor or a hash with a name1 key.
> >
> Ok, then I will use that way. I hoped that the first solution could be
> possible, because I don't want to use [% obj.name %] but only [% name %] if
> it works.

Ah, I didn't understand that from reading your original post.

On Tue, 13 Mar 2007, Octavian Rasnita wrote:
> I have a DBIC record object like
> my $obj = $c->model("Database::Table")->find($id);

You will have to iterate over the accessors individually to put them into
the stash (I think) but you should be able to use DBIC to do most of the
thinking.  Something like (untested):

my $model = $c->model("Database::Table");
foreach my $column (@{$model->columns}) {
    $column =~ s{me\.}{}; # strip the prefix DBIC adds
    $c->stash->{$column} = $obj->$column;

I got the idea from reading the docs:

You may need to adjust some of the above to get it to recognise $column as
an accessor.

Simon Wilcox

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