Not long ago, Alejandro Imass proclaimed...
> I wrote a complete backend in HTML::Widget a couple of months ago, and
> now I'm adding new functionallity to another part of the site. The
> question is:
> a - Stick with HTML::Widget and wait for FormFu ?
> b - use C::C::FormBuilder ?
> I am inclined for option b, but would like some feedback from others
> before going down this path.

I am currently developing my first app using C:C:FormBuilder too, having
done previous Catalyst projects with HTML::Widget. I think FormBuilder may
become the de facto way to develop Catalyst apps in the future, especially
seeing there is a DBIx::Class::FormBuilder module on the horizon that will
marry FormBuilder to DBIx::Class like DBIx::Class::HTMLWidget does for

Have I missed something? What's FormFu? 


[EMAIL PROTECTED] is Doran L. Barton, president/CTO, Iodynamics LLC
Iodynamics: IT and Web services by Linux/Open Source specialists
 "I sick and stay in bed with a clod."
    -- Memo sent inside Japanese company in London

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