On 22/03/07, Alejandro Imass <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

I wrote a complete backend in HTML::Widget a couple of months ago, and
now I'm adding new functionallity to another part of the site. The
question is:

a - Stick with HTML::Widget and wait for FormFu ?
b - use C::C::FormBuilder ?

If you're just adding new functionality to the site, but not
necessarily needing new features - I would suggest sticking with
HTML-Widget, so it's at least consistent throughout the site.

I'm currently using FormFu extensively in several projects, and am
really happy with how simple it is to use, but also how extensible and
powerful it is.
As I've already said though, anything in it is still subject to change
at this point - but once there's been a cpan release every effort will
be made to maintain backward compatability.
I see it being several weeks at the very least before a cpan release.


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