On Tue, 8 May 2007, Matt S Trout wrote:

The controller's there for event dispatch and flow handling. Domain logic
should be encapsulated - if anything, you want to make your domain model a
completely separate piece of code with an interface model (or Facade Model)
that your application interacts with.

Another way to state this is that the Controller is a bridge between the core of the app (the model) and a view _for a specific environment_. For web apps, that environment is usually CGI/HTTP requests.

But a controller could also be something for bridging CLI commands to the model (with no view per se) or maybe a GUI app, where the controller would probably the event loop and dispatching to various widgets.

One criterion for proper use of MVC would be to ask yourself "can I replace the controller with a command-line args parser/dispatcher and still use my model to do everything my web app can do". If you can say yes, you've at least made a good separation between model and controller.


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