
I'm still in trouble with virtual hosts...

We have a domain domain.tld with several machines. On one of them, apache can be called using http://site1.domain.tld. It is configured to listen to port 80 with Listen *:80.

Now we would like to bind our Catalyst app on http://site2.domain.tld on this machine site1. Our DNS are correctly installed and apache is reachable by both addresses.

Here comes the Virtual Host :

<VirtualHost site2.domain.tld:80>
        ServerName    site2.domain.tld:80
        DocumentRoot  /home/xrobin/MIAPE/root
        LogLevel      debug
        ErrorLog      /home/xrobin/catalyst_error_log
        <Location />
                SetHandler           modperl
                PerlResponseHandler  MIAPE

This works, and http://site2.domain.tld calls our Catalyst application, and it seems to work properly.

But strangely enough, our application is now bound also on site1.domain.tld ! (so all the usual pages are not reachable anymore).

How does this come ? Apache 2 documentation on Name-based Virtual Host[1] seems to say that it should only bind on site2...
How can I make catalyst available only on site2 ?

Best regards,
Xavier Robin

[1] http://httpd.apache.org/docs/2.0/vhosts/name-based.html

PS : Apache 2.0.52
     CentOS 4 (based on RedHat)
     mod_perl 2.0.3
     Perl 5.8.5
     Catalyst 5.008001

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