On Wed, May 16, 2007 at 11:54:34AM +0200, Xavier Robin wrote:
>  Here comes the Virtual Host :
>  <VirtualHost site2.domain.tld:80>
>       ServerName    site2.domain.tld:80
>       DocumentRoot  /home/xrobin/MIAPE/root
>       LogLevel      debug
>       ErrorLog      /home/xrobin/catalyst_error_log
>       <Location />
>               SetHandler           modperl
>               PerlResponseHandler  MIAPE
>       </Location>
>  </VirtualHost>

Where's the rest of the config.  Standing alone, that's probably fine.
But who knows what else you have in your httpd.conf :)

Also, I think the VirtualHost directive is supposed to be an IP (or

  NameVirtualHost *:80
  <VirtualHost *:80>ServerName site1</VirtualHost>
  <VirtualHost *:80>ServerName site2</VirtualHost>

I have a feeling that your config looks like:

  NameVirtualHost site1
  <VirtualHost site1>ServerName site1</VirtualHost>
  <VirtualHost site2>ServerName site2</VirtualHost>

I think that even though site1 and site2 resolve to the same IP,
Apache doesn't realize that site2 is supposed to do vhosting.  But I
don't really know how Apache handles corner cases... try the obvious
suggestions above and if it still doesn't work, please paste your
whole config.

Jonathan Rockway

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