| Hi,
|  Sorry if I post an old question, I just want to know if I could do this to 
run multi app on the same server under mod_perl:
|     PerlSwitches -I/var/www/MyApp1/lib
|     PerlModule MyApp1
|     <Location />
|         SetHandler          modperl
|         PerlResponseHandler MyApp1
|     </Location>
|     PerlSwitches -I/var/www/MyApp2/lib
|     PerlModule MyApp2
|     <Location />
|         SetHandler          modperl
|         PerlResponseHandler MyApp2
|     </Location>
|  ------------
|  My question is the PerlSwitches, will it get any error with that?

I vaguely remember having tried this and failed. Basically
you're setting PerlSwitches to two different values in the
same conf ... probably only the last declaration will stand.

The other problem is that you're setting different
PerlResponseHandlers for the same Location ... 

Maybe you can have what you want by running three apache
servers on the same box?

1) a light apache (only minimal) running mod_proxy,
listening on port 80 and redirecting /myapp1 to localhost:81
and /myapp2 to localhost:82

ProxyPass           /myapp1   http://localhost:81/myapp1
ProxyPassReverse    /myapp1   http://localhost:81/myapp1

or just

ProxyPass           /myapp1   http://localhost:81
ProxyPassReverse    /myapp1   http://localhost:81

depending on how you configure your apache listening on :81

2) a mod_perl apache listening on port 81

PerlSwitches -I/var/www/MyApp1/lib
PerlModule MyApp1

<Location />
 SetHandler          modperl
 PerlResponseHandler MyApp1

3) a mod_perl apache listening on port 82

PerlSwitches -I/var/www/MyApp2/lib
PerlModule MyApp2

<Location />
 SetHandler          modperl
 PerlResponseHandler MyApp2

[These are just schematic examples to give you the big idea,
I'm running a similar setup with 1 proxy redirecting to 1
modperl (catalyst) + 1 modpython (trac/svn) and it works
fine. I haven't tried to run two catalyst apps (your case),
but it should work fine.]

Good luck,


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