On Wed, 8 Aug 2007 06:14:54 -0700 (PDT), Will wrote:

>  Sorry if I post an old question, I just want to know if I could do
>  this to run multi app on the same server under mod_perl:
>     PerlSwitches -I/var/www/MyApp1/lib
>     PerlModule MyApp1
>     <Location />
>         SetHandler          modperl
>         PerlResponseHandler MyApp1
>     </Location>

>     PerlSwitches -I/var/www/MyApp2/lib
>     PerlModule MyApp2
>     <Location />
>         SetHandler          modperl
>         PerlResponseHandler MyApp2
>     </Location>

Assuming that the <Location>-parts are in different virtual hosts (and
not as shown verbatim above), yes; that is what I do.

My site-configuration files basically looks like this (stuff omitted at
[...] for brevity):

,----[ /etc/apache2/sites-enabled/010-www.kammeratadam.dk ]
| PerlSwitches -I/var/www/www.kammeratadam.dk/lib
| PerlModule KammeratAdam
| <VirtualHost *>
|     ServerName www.kammeratadam.dk
| [...]
|     <Location />
|         SetHandler modperl
|         PerlResponseHandler KammeratAdam
|         ExpiresDefault "access plus 10 minutes"
|     </Location>
|     <Location /grafik/>
|         SetHandler None
|         ExpiresDefault "access plus 1 week"
|     </Location>
| [...] 
| </VirtualHost>

,----[ /etc/apache2/sites-enabled/010-www.vantbanken.se ]
| PerlSwitches -I/var/www/www.vantbanken.se/lib
| PerlModule Vantbanken
| <VirtualHost *>
|     ServerName www.vantbanken.se
| [...]
|     <Location />
|         SetHandler modperl
|         PerlResponseHandler Vantbanken
|         AuthType Basic
|         AuthName "Not open yet"
|         AuthUserFile /var/www/www.vantbanken.se/conf/stats
|         Require valid-user
|     </Location>
| [...]
| </VirtualHost>

>  My question is the PerlSwitches, will it get any error with that?

Not unless your apps have different local modules with the same names,
I'd guess?

  Best regards,


 "KOMPRESSOR crush american burger"                           Adam Sjøgren
                                                         [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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