
I'm new in the Catalyst World and I'm trying to make my first app with it. But I have a
problem with the session.

I'm building an XML RPC server, and I want the users to be authenticated before using some commands. So I have created a controller (XMLRPC.pm) with the script and I have
specified some commands iwth XMLRPCGlobal.

At the beginning, the user must issue an RPC command named host_login, sending the username and the password. If the user exists, the function returns the sessionid that have been created after the authentification. this sessionid will be passed in argument
in the next commands. But, that doesn't seem to work like this.

Here is how I have implemented my RPC command :

sub host_login : XMLRPCGlobal {
        my ($self, $c, @args) = @_;

        my $username = $args[0];
        my $password = $args[1];

if ($c->authenticate({username => $username, password => $password})) {
                $c->stash->{xmlrpc} = $c->sessionid;
        } else {
                $c->stash->{xmlrpc} = 'KO';

But I don't know how to use this sessionid. If in an another RPC command, I call $c->session, it creates a new session, as if there is no more any session present.

So, my question is how I can return a sessionid (or anything else) from a fisrt rpc command that authenticate the users, and use it in other commands to avoid sending again
the username/password.




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