Quoting "J. Shirley" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:

On 8/27/07, Nicolas Raspail <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

Nicolas Raspail a écrit :


I'm struggling with Session URI and XML RPC with no sucess. I can't
figure out how this works. I'm using Data::Dumper to dump the value of
some catalyst and it seems that the session is not valid anymore in the
second RPC call.

Can anyone that is using XML RPC and session can explain me how to do
that please ?



PS: I have made a mistake and send this email only to J. Shirley two
time... Sorry

Have you made sure to load a session store?  If you capture the session with
the client and send it out, and then call again with the session ID still in
the URL it should be working.

Can you paste in your plugin loading and other session config?


(PS., no prob on the private dupes :))


yes I'm sure I'm loading some session store and state plugins :

use Catalyst qw/

As I'm using XML RPC, I don't know if the session ID is really present in the URL.

At firts, I send a XML RPC request with the username and the password, I use $c-authenticate to check the user, and I return the sessionid (just in case). I'm using the following code :

sub login : XMLRPCGlobal {
        my ($self, $c, @args) = @_;

        my $username = $args[0];
        my $password = $args[1];

        if ($c->authenticate({username => $username, password => $password})) {
                $c->stash->{xmlrpc} = $c->sessionid;
        } else {
                $c->stash->{xmlrpc} = 'KO';

In the debug, I can see that the seesion is created and some info about the rewrite :

[info] *** Request 1 (0.250/s) [24319] [Tue Aug 28 09:06:11 2007] ***
[debug] "POST" request for "rpc" from ""
[debug] XML-RPC: Method called: login
[debug] Path is "login"
[debug] Created session "af80056e4b9423589ed04e6229a774a4141fd488"
[debug] rewriting response elements to include session id
[debug] Rewriting plain body with URI::Find
[info] Request took 0.034779s (28.753/s)

Next, in the same script, I send a second RPC command, with the sessionid as first argument, and before allowing it to execute, I must verify that the sessionid is still valid. But I can't figure out how to compare my sessionid with the sessionid known by Catalyst.

And I don't know if the URI rewriting works with XML RPC :)



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