Fayland Lam wrote:
> Matt S Trout wrote:
>> No, it's awful. There's no reason at all for this to be a plugin.
>> I'd suggest you make it a mixin for Catalyst::Model::DBIC::Schema
>> instead.
> but it depends on every request. it start at the sub prepare and end
> before finalize_body. due to my limited knowledge, I'm not sure if
> it's OK as a mixin for Catalyst::Model::DBIC::Schema

I got about 90% through composing the post that mst wrote, and decided
against it because of the per-request requirement.  However, just out of
curiosity, why do you care about making it per-request?

> that's right. but there is more than one way to do it. :)
Careful with that.  For every good way to do something, there are 1000
bad ways.  For throw-away code, TMTOWTDI is fine, but if you want every
DBIC user to use your code, do things the good way :)

Jonathan Rockway

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