On Wed, 30 Jan 2008, Jonathan Rockway wrote:

I have traced this down to the fact that my text editor (TextMate)
likes to leave hidden files around with similar names as those being
edited. For example the above error says something about ._MyAppDB
where this a file named MyApp/lib/MyAppDB.pm AND a file MyApp/

If i delete the ._* file the server will launch and everything works

My question is:
Is there a way I can tell the scripts to ignore hidden files?

This issue has come up at least 129387 times in the past.  Please read
the archives.

Yes, unfortunately it's never been freaking fixed, which is why it's come up 129387 times (at least). I did submit a patch to Simon Wistow for Module::Pluggable in September. It made Module::Pluggable ignore editor junk files by default, though it didn't catch "._*" files (easy enough to add).

Unfortunately he never responded.

And yes, editors delete the files when they're closed, but in the case of Emacs, it creates such files _while_ you're editing a buffer, and it's easy to have your Cat dev server try to load these.

So maybe someone can either A) poke Simon or B) we could subclass Module::Pluggable and add the fix in there or C) yell at people who complain about it on the list because they expect the software to do the right thing.


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